Inclusive Therapy
Alternative demographics have a harder time finding mental health professionals who understand and accept them. It may take time, but never give up! Try the variety of resources we've listed.
Helpful Definitions
Psychiatrist: A psychiatrist is a medical doctor (M.D. or D.O.) who specializes in preventing, diagnosing, and treating mental illness. They are able to prescribe medications.
Psychologist: A psychologist has a doctoral degree (PhD, PsyD, or EdD) in psychology, which is the study of the mind and behaviors. They can offer counseling and psychotherapy.
Counselor: A licensed psychological counselor is a mental health professional who has a master's degree (MA) in psychology, counseling, or a related field. They can offer counseling and psychotherapy.
Counseling: Counseling usually focuses on specific issues or life events and is more short term than therapy.
Psychotherapy: Psychotherapy focuses on a broad range of issues and underlying patterns of thinking and behavior. It is usually long term.

Therapy Den
Search by your zip code, then use the filters to narrow the results. Filters include Body Positive/Health at Every Size, Sex Positive/Kink Friendly, Trans Competent, Queer Competent, Sex Worker Positive, Open Relationships/Non Monogamy,

National Coalition for Sexual Freedom: Kink and Poly Aware Professionals Directory
A detailed online directory. Search options include Kink, Poly, or Swinger awareness levels. Search by country, zip code, city, or remote/online options.

Poly Friendly Professionals Directory
Click the Psychotherapists - Licensed or Registered option and find your state in the list.

Psychology Today
An extensive list of therapists. Search by zip code. There are no clear sex positive filters, so reading each therapists description is necessary.

Pride Counseling
Professional online counseling for the LGTBQ community. Answer questions about yourself and get matched to a therapist.

7 Cups
An online space for emotional support. Free online chatting with volunteers (active listeners willing to hold space as you share) as well as group chat rooms are available here.