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Temple Scarlet Retreat


The Temple Scarlet Retreat is a four day camping experience with classes, activities, rituals, and community fires. 

Temple Scarlet events are open to persons of all genders, sexualities, relationship styles and relationships statuses. 
Classes and workshops cover topics like polyamory, sex magick, love languages, BDSM, tantra, trauma healing, deities of sexuality, body positivity, sex education, love and intimacy in all its forms. 

Please read the strict Rules and Guidelines before registering.



May 24th - 27th



Oak Spirit Sanctuary




Checking In begins at 12:00 noon and the mandatory Orientation starts at 5:30 pm on Friday, September 15th.

Orientation is mandatory for all attendees and will cover essential information about the Temple Scarlet Retreat rules and guidelines, designated safe spaces, and more.


The Temple Scarlet Day Retreat is an intense event for vaccinated and consenting adults only. No persons under the age of 21 will be allowed on site. All attendees will be checked against the U.S. National Sex Offender list. All attendees must provide a valid Driver's License or ID along with their COVID-19 Vaccination Record Card (with at least 2 doses) upon arrival!

Temple Scarlet events are open to persons of all genders, sexualities, relationship styles and relationships statuses!


We have reserved The Ridge area of The Gaea Retreat Center for September 15th, 16th, and 17th! Attendees are expected to camp within the reserved area where camping spaces and several fire pits are provided. We will have access to a shower house with sinks and bathrooms in addition to portable toilets. Attendees will need to providing their own meals, chairs, tenting, and other camping supplies.

Contact our Event Organizer at for ADA accommodations.


Attendees are expected to follow the rules, guidelines, and processes outlined on this website. The Temple Scarlet leadership reserves the right to refuse entry, and/or to expel any persons from the event for any reason in order to maintain the safety and sacred focus of Temple Scarlet. Any persons expelled after check in opens will not be entitled to a refund.


Temple Scarlet Retreats are built upon a foundation of consent and communication. Attendees should become familiar with our rules, guidelines, and our processes for making allegations or complaints.

Helpful Definitions

Rules: regulations for the retreat that must be followed; rules are hard-line, non-negotiable, and without exceptions 

Guidelines: behavioral regulations for the retreat that are emphasized, promoted, and encouraged in order to create a safer community and better festival experience for all 

Allegation: a written statement describing the actions of an individual who has been witnessed engaging in rule breaking, refusal to follow guidelines, and/or non-consensual behaviors

Complaint: a written statement expressing concerns about any aspects of the Temple Scarlet Retreat or Temple Scarlet pages



Safe and Consenting Adults Only: No persons under the age of 21 will be allowed on site. Vaccination is required.

No Photos: Any photography, video, or recording of attendees is prohibited.

Sober Physical Consent: Physical touch between individuals must be previously agreed upon while both people are in a reasonably unaltered state. 

Quiet Zone/EMO Tent: No touching and no talking is allowed in the emotional/mental health emergency space called the Quiet Zone, also known as the EMO Tent, except with the assigned volunteers or in the case of a medical emergency.

Mandatory Orientation: All attendees must be present for the mandatory orientation at the beginning of the retreat.



Holistic consent: Attendees should be aware and receptive of the physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual boundaries of other people, and, always respect those boundaries by forming clear verbal and/or written agreements with other people before taking any actions which will affect others


Active consent: Attendees should continuously be checking with each other for expressions of agreement and enthusiasm, and, should cease the behaviors they are engaging if another person expresses discomfort, disinterest, or is non-reactive


Self Responsibility: Attendees must strive to honestly openly and clearly communicate their own concerns and boundaries to the best of their ability, utilize the physical and emotional safety measures provided, and follow the written process for complaints and or allegations 


General complaints, including complaints about Temple Scarlet's online pages, must be submitted by email to the founder, for our records, or they cannot be considered and addressed. If you would like to submit an official complaint, please send an email with your full name and concerns to 

Allegations about any person at the Temple Scarlet Retreat must be taken to a member of the Temple Scarlet leadership team, within the scheduled time frame of the retreat, and documented for our records or the incident cannot be considered and addressed. The Temple Scarlet leadership team is willing to accept and document any and all kinds of allegations. The Temple Scarlet leadership team will provide support and help you through our process.

Temple Scarlet Process for Allegations
(What to do if you have witnessed or experienced non-consentual behavior or rule breaking.)

Temple Scarlet is not responsible for incidents occurring outside of the Temple Scarlet Retreat itself. Temple Scarlet is not responsible for any content other than that of our official website, social media pages, and the classes, workshops, and rituals being presented at the Temple Scarlet Retreat itself.

Rues and Gudelines
Registration Informaton
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